Oyu Tolgoi LLC procures products and services from hundreds of companies. Easy Supply LLC is one of these. The company has been working with Oyu Tolgoi since 2012.
Oyu Tolgoi LLC procures products and services from hundreds of companies. Easy Supply LLC is one of these. The company has been working with Oyu Tolgoi since 2012. Easy Supply LLC supplies the Mongolian market with the international standard plumbing products.
Easy Supply LLC’s procurement manager L.Zolzaya says "Our company sells construction materials in the domestic market. We have 4-5 years experience in this market. We supply European standard construction equipment and other construction materials." She emphasizes that "Oyu Tolgoi tendering is open, transparent and fair".
Working with Oyu Tolgoi increased the company’s sales revenue by 30 percent. And working with an international company also improved knowledge of English and other skills of company employees, because the company needs to make contracts and communicate in English. And the company staff has also been actively involved in Oyu Tolgoi provided trainings. The company imports products from the US, Austria, Canada and China, and the quality and prices are reasonable.
Oyu Tolgoi LLC has a tradition of selecting the "best supplier of the month" award in recognition of suppliers’ excellent services. Easy Supply LLC was selected the best small business supplier of the month in August.
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