“Oyu Tolgoi” LLC (the ‘Company’) would like to invite potential and/or experienced suppliers to submit their Expression of Interest (EOI) in relation to consultancy service to supply Study on TSF seepage water quality, its migration and toxicology.
An EOI is only a preliminary step to a formal tender process to understand and identify whether there are potential suppliers in the market that are interested in and capable of satisfying the procurement needs.
Scope description:
Scope of this consultancy service to provide “Study on TSF seepage water quality, its migration and toxicology” covers following themes:
- Study on Tailings Storage Facility seepages’ water to compare with process water and downstream water monitoring points in terms of water quality, quantity, surrounding geochemistry, and hydrogeological condition. Determination of the seepage water source, fraction (%) of each source (for example: Process water, bedrock groundwater, weathered bedrock, alluvium water, surface water and sub surface water etc.).
- To conduct a study of water quality in shallow upstream and downstream groundwater monitoring points of Oyu Tolgoi Mine License Area, in relation to climate change, especially changes in precipitation amount, evaporation and riverbed erosion. The study should apply various scientific research methods & software, such as statistical analysis, and shall firmly present the situation and findings in the report through clearly presented graphs and calculations.
- Study on TSF seepage water possible treatment to comply potable water standard or baseline value of Dugt shallow water quality.
- Study on toxicological effect of the seepage water in connection to chemical substances applied in concentrator for flotation process and water flow.
The main outcomes and conclusions of the study and tasks are:
- Well explained chemical processes of the elevated and changed chemical parameters of the seeps.
- Causes of the change between process to seepage water in terms of water quality parameters.
- Plume map of the seepage water into the downstream and surrounding of TSF.
- Interrelationship between deep, shallow groundwater, process water and seepage water in relation TSF operation.
- Define types of chemical parameters and its quantity that may have affected from process & seepage water into the shallow groundwater.
- Define key parameters with possible values that defines and controls the seepage water migration (or trace metals or other chemical parameters).
- Study presenting the water quality in the Gobi regional water monitoring points and explaining changes in upstream & downstream shallow water quality in relation to climate change and draws firm conclusions in the framework of the study. The study should apply various scientific research methods & software, such as statistical analysis, and shall firmly present the situation and findings in the report through clearly presented graphs and calculations.
- Practical laboratory test on seepage water samples to test possible treatment method. If laboratory test shows not viable, suggest water treatment technology available in the market and its specifications.
- Toxicological parameters of the TSF seepage water, in connection to chemical substances that may be stored. The possible laboratory analysis of the chemical substances in the water that is applied in concentrator for flotation process. The detailed explanation and results will be provided for communities.
Interested and experienced suppliers are invited to submit their EOI and must include/attach, as a minimum, the following documentations/information:
Mandatory documents:
- State registration certificate (copy)*
- HSE policy & procedures (copy)*
- Business Code of Conduct (copy)*
- Audited Financial statement from last 3 years (copy)*
- Brief introduction of company (copy)*
- Ownership/ shareholder information such as Company charter (copy)*
- Executive team structure/ introduction (copy)*
- Organization structure & Total manpower (copy)*
* If latest copies are already uploaded in “Oyu” Supplier Database, please make a note in the submission document(s) and no need to re-submit.
Scope specific documents:
- Scope specific experience
- Customer reference (at least 2)
- Special licenses applicable (copy).
Any interested suppliers who wishes to participate in the EOI, must be registered in “Oyu” supplier database. If you have not registered in “Oyu” database, please register at https://oyu-supplierdatabase.ot.mn/.
EOI documents must be prepared in Mongolian and/or English and must be submitted via “Oyu” Supplier database before 5.00PM (Ulaanbaatar time), 05 March 2024.
Important notice:
- The Company is only seeking Expression of Interest from potential suppliers and makes no representation or promise in relation to procuring work from a supplier or suppliers.
- The Company reserves the right to refuse any document(s) which is incomplete or submitted after the specified date & time.
- The Company will not accept any EOIs stored in internet storage or in any other webpages and links.
- The Company will not be responsible for any costs associated with preparing and submitting an Expression of Interest to the Company.
- There will be no Questions and Answers provided during the EOI process.
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