“One employee had hardly believed how fast he/she was hired” said G.Solongo proudly, CAML Operating Manager.
CAML LLC was selected as a Best contractor of Oyu Tolgoi LLC in March 2011, and then once again it has been nominated the same title.
“Our mission is to strengthen human resource capacity of our partner organisations leveraging on our expertise, experience and database”. With such simple but an energetic goal, CAML Company had gotten up to a good start seven years ago. From the very beginning of its foundation, it has continuously been preparing workforce for Oyu Tolgoi LLC.
CAML LLC was selected as a Best contractor of Oyu Tolgoi LLC in March 2011, and then once again it has been nominated the same title. Mongolian leading human resource company has currently been operating with the staff of over 20 people. It works closely with Mongolian Labour Exchange and provides a report as required. Their accomplishments are visible. To date, the company had built capacity of 1,500 to 2,000 persons as a result of commitment and efforts the company made. Besides, they have called on the Mongolians who live and work abroad to come to the homeland to apply for well-paid jobs with the large mining companies. As a result of these activities, nearly 100 people have been arriving home from highly-developed countries like United Kingdom, United States, Canada and Australia.
“It’s quite difficult to find a person who has a specific qualification and vocation. You wouldn’t find 20 mechanics when you are trying to recruit them.” said a company officer and this likely indicates a present dearth of some vocations. The company with a foreign investment prefers English language skills when they recruit new workforce. He also stated a variety of reasons why some applicants are not eligible, for example the engineers who are good at their profession but have poor English skills.
In general, the whole recruitment procedure usually takes only five days – the first day is spent for job interview, the second day – for medical checkup, then signing an employment contract in next two days. This clearly demonstrates an expeditious manner the CAML operates. “One employee had hardly believed how fast he/she was hired” said G.Solongo proudly, CAML Operating Manager.
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