Mon-Link is strengthening their financial base and employing more Mongolians
Mon-Link was founded in 2010 and became a supplier to Oyu Tolgoi in 2011. Mon-Link continually research the range of mining products available internationally in order to ensure a ready supply of the best equipment to the booming Mongolian mining industry.
Mon-Link is strengthening their financial base and employing more Mongolians
Mon-Link was founded in 2010 and became a supplier to Oyu Tolgoi in 2011. Mon-Link imports a variety of mining equipment and mining safety equipment. They continually research the range of mining products available internationally in order to ensure a ready supply of the best equipment to the booming Mongolian mining industry.
70 new jobs generated and Mon-Link employees realising new skills
Hand in hand with their successful supplier relationship with Oyu Tolgoi, Mon-Link are also enjoying successful business growth. Their business is expanding, with 70 new jobs recently added as well as Mon-Link’s employees strengthening their skill set and experience.
Managing Director of the Mon-Link Group, D. Itgelbuyant said: “Since we began our cooperation with Oyu Tolgoi we have made great progress, including a strong financial base, the generation of a number of jobs, and an increased income to our employee’s households.”
Mon-Link is just one of the many Mongolian companies enjoying success
D. Itgelbuyant said: “Our company and our employees are benefitting greatly from this partnership, in terms of the development of our own capacity as well as receiving an advantageous return, as thousands of other Mongolian supplier companies and individuals are experiencing.”
Oyu Tolgoi LLC is working with thousands of Mongolian suppliers throughout its development. About 1,700 Mongolian companies have provided products and services to Oyu Tolgoi and in the year 2011, over 1000 local companies and individuals supplied goods and services to the value of MNT 1.7 trillion.
Mon-Link Group is recognised as Oyu Tolgoi’s supplier of the month
Each month Oyu Tolgoi recognises our best supplier partners who demonstrate excellence in the products and services that they deliver. Mon-Link Group was recognised as the best medium supplier in April 2012.
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