Press release: World comes together to combat desertification

Ulaanbaatar, MongoliaThe world’s deserts, while beautiful, are growing with unwelcome speed as over-demand for water and climate change cause increased desertification of previously wet land.

As the problem has become better recognised by Government, business and NGOs, since 2007, the world has come together on the 17 June to seek common agreements and approaches to the problem This year, World Day to Combat Desertification takes place under the slogan: “The land belongs to the future.”

Mongolia joined the UN Convention on desertification in 1996 and, each year, raises public awareness about the causes and impact of desertification. With a high desert area – 42.5 per cent of Mongolia falls in the Gobi – and a growing mining industry, Mongolia is at higher risk of desertification than most other countries. Around 90 per cent of Mongolia’s pastureland is thought to be at risk. Although, desertification is natural phenomena, the rate and speed at which it takes place is very much dependent on human activity.

The Mongolian government recognized this with the adoption of a national anti-desertification programme, with a strong focus on the protection of water sources, land rehabilitation and good forestry management.
Increasingly, responsible mining companies recognise the role that they need to play in these efforts. Operating in the Gobi, Oyu Tolgoi could only work sustainability if it took these commitments seriously.

As well as only utilising water for the mine’s operations from a previously undiscovered deep saline aquifer, separate from shallow water sources used by local people and animals, the company uses world-leading technology to limit the water it uses.

In the first four months of the year, Oyu Tolgoi used 0.549 cubic metres of water per tonne of ore processed, less than half the average of 1.22 cubic metres for similar mines worldwide. Over the same period, water recycling at Oyu Tolgoi averaged 86.4 per cent. This means that, on average, each drop of water is reused more than five times.

Oyu Tolgoi is also committed to undertaking significant rehabilitation of the area surrounding the mine. Last year, the company planted saxaul trees across six hectares of Khanbogd soum, with an 80 per cent survival rate and more planting planned throughout 2014.

To mark World Day to Combat Desertification, Oyu Tolgoi ran an essay competition for students, academics and scientists to publicise and promote their ideas to combat desertification related to the mining industry. Around thirty articles were submitted, with the competition won D.Budragchaa, Metallurgical analyst at Oyu Tolgoi.

In his essay, D.Budragchaa noted that five per cent of Mongolian territory faces a very high risk of desertification, 18 per cent a strong risk of desertification, and 26 per cent a moderate risk. He warned that: “If everyone pays conscious attention to their actions and loves and cherishes every piece of natural environment, we can maintain a natural balance, and nature will be generous to us to the same extent. We should always remember that we ourselves will be the victims otherwise.”


About Oyu Tolgoi LLC (

Oyu Tolgoi LLC, Mongolia's largest copper and gold mining company, is a strategic partnership between the Government of Mongolia, Turquoise Hill Resources and Rio Tinto. Located in the Umnugobi, Oyu Tolgoi has commissioned Concentrator plant in December, 2012 and commenced shipments of copper concentrate in July of 2013. As the biggest single investment in Mongolian history, Oyu Tolgoi already is a major driver of the country’s economy.

Oyu Tolgoi is managed by Rio Tinto, which is investing global expertise and cutting-edge technology to help develop Mongolia’s mining industry and ensure Oyu Tolgoi is one of the world’s most advanced mines. Oyu Tolgoi is developing a nationwide vocational training programme, regional infrastructure, and is committed to ensuring more than 90 per cent Mongolian national employment and a strong Mongolian supplier base. These programmes will help drive economic growth for generations to come.

Oyu Tolgoi’s core commitment is to a safe work place and setting a new standard in environmental care.

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