Press release: Oyu Tolgoi building a sports centre in Manlai soum

– Foundation stone laid for the 250 seats sports centre fully equipped with modern equipment –

Manlai soum, Umnugobi – As part of the celebrations of the 90th anniversary of the establishment of Manlai soum in Umnugovi aimag, Oyu Tolgoi and local government representatives, yesterday broke ground and laid a foundation stone for a new sports centre.

O.Bat-Erdene, Chairman of the Manlai soum’s Citizens' Representative, said at the ceremony, "I am very pleased that Oyu Tolgoi, fulfilling its social responsibility, and building a modern sports centre on the eve of the historic anniversary of our soum. This will be a very significant development project. This sports centre will play an important role in providing our community with opportunities to enjoy healthy lifestyles and enable children and young people to spend their leisure time in sports activities."

Oyu Tolgoi’s General Manager for Communities, Sh.Baigalmaa, said, "We have a saying ‘close neighbors are of one mind’ expressing our tradition of mutual respect and assistance to each other. So, in keeping with this tradition, we are always happy to work with the Manlai community. The facility will be commissioned next year, and its construction will be done by Mongolian national companies fully financed by Oyu Tolgoi."

The sports centre will have 250 seats and be fully equipped with modern sports equipment and facilities to promote the health, safety, and comfort of athletes and the public.

Manlai Governor, R.Burmaa, said, "Oyu Tolgoi works with our soum very effectively in many areas, including agriculture, education, and health. Local residents are grateful that Oyu Tolgoi is making a tangible investment in constructing this sports centre and is making a significant contribution to development of our soum."

Last year, Oyu Tolgoi built a similar sports facility in Bayan-Ovoo soum of Umnugovi aimag.


About Oyu Tolgoi LLC (

Oyu Tolgoi LLC, Mongolia's largest copper and gold mining company, is a strategic partnership between the Government of Mongolia, Turquoise Hill Resources and Rio Tinto. Located in the Umnugobi, Oyu Tolgoi has commissioned Concentrator plant in December, 2012 and commenced shipments of copper concentrate in July of 2013. As the biggest single investment in Mongolian history, Oyu Tolgoi already is a major driver of the country’s economy.

Oyu Tolgoi is managed by Rio Tinto, which is investing global expertise and cutting-edge technology to help develop Mongolia’s mining industry and ensure Oyu Tolgoi is one of the world’s most advanced mines. Oyu Tolgoi is developing a nationwide vocational training programme, regional infrastructure, and is committed to ensuring more than 90 per cent Mongolian national employment and a strong Mongolian supplier base. These programmes will help drive economic growth for generations to come.

Oyu Tolgoi’s core commitment is to a safe work place and setting a new standard in environmental care.

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