Oyu Tolgoi is committed to supporting Mongolia’s mining education and training systems by improving course content and curriculum, teaching methodology, and upgrading learning environments and facilities of mining education institutions such as Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST). A partnership collaboration was signed with MUST in April 2019, later expanded to the MUST-OT-RTM Cooperation agreement.
Within the partnership framework, the “Geotechnical laboratory” establishment was initiated to address the need to determine geotechnical parameters for industry and increase the practical knowledge of students and teachers; it also supported the research capabilities of the Geology and mining school, MUST. Oyu Tolgoi solely funded a total of USD366,000 to acquire and install the equipment necessary for the laboratory.
This laboratory will serve as a research and practicum “base” for a Geotechnical project within the framework of the MUST-OT RTM Cooperation agreement, which is another USD 2.42 million in funding. The laboratory is equipped with internationally recognised rock analysis equipment, offering significant opportunities for teachers, researchers and students to bridge the gap between research and production, study the features of Mongolia’s natural formations and rock structures in more detail, and use them in production processes.
In addition, the laboratory has been accredited according to the “International quality ISO9001, ISO17025” standards, enabling the facility to conduct research and analysis on samples from Oyu Tolgoi’s open pit and underground mines in the near future.
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