Residents of Manlai soum, Umnugobi, have access to a new sports hall as it officially opens on Thursday, 26 February. The modern facility, funded by Oyu Tolgoi, will be used by the local school for physical education classes, for hosting regional sporting competitions, and be open to local residents for leisure activities.
Oyu Tolgoi President and CEO, Andrew Woodley said, “Oyu Tolgoi is committed to supporting sustainable development in the Umnugobi. By supporting education, health and wellbeing, and skills development, particularly through our Cooperation Agreement with our partner communities, we can ensure that human development flows from the region’s natural wealth. The sports hall is another example of this sustainable and long term relationship.”
The sports hall has the capacity to hold 200 people. The facility, fully compliant with international standards, includes equipment storage facilities, changing and restrooms, fitness and training facilities, rooms for personal training sessions, and medical facilities. The Manlai sports hall complements a similar facility opened in Bayan-Ovoo soum in 2013.
The hall was constructed under an Oyu Tolgoi contract by NBIK LLC, a Mongolian construction firm, who completed the project on time and to a high standard. During the project, NBIK implemented and observed the highest applicable standards of safety – a requirement from all suppliers to Oyu Tolgoi. The skills and capacity developed by NBIK during the project can now be transferred to other contracts and personnel. During the 100,000 man hours worked by the NBIK workforce on the project, there were zero safety incidents or injuries.
Since 2010, Oyu Tolgoi has invested in large infrastructure projects in the Umnugobi, supporting the development of animal husbandry and funding infrastructure developments in Khanbogd, Manlai and Bayan-Ovoo soums – investing US$6.8 mn in Umnugobi region in 2015 alone.
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