New service business of a local company

The company was established in 2010 and has worked under contract with Oyu Tolgoi LLC since 2012. Today, they provide high pressure water  and  oil cleaning services at the Oyu Tolgoi concentrator and bagging plant. The waste from the plant accumulates on the floor below and is cleaned with high pressure water. Oil cleaning is used on the floors and at the bagging plant. This service has created many new jobs for local people.

– 24 new jobs at Uguumur Gaviluud LLC –

Oyu Tolgoi mine produces copper concentrate and exports it to international markets. One part of this mining complex is the concentrator plant. Here the ore is constantly processed and enriched without interruption. Therefore, it requires servicing and cleaning. This work is conducted by employees of a local company from Khanbogd soum of Umnugovi aimag called Uguumur Gaviluud LLC. The company was established in 2010 and has worked under contract with Oyu Tolgoi LLC since 2012. Today, they provide high pressure water and oil cleaning services at the Oyu Tolgoi concentrator and bagging plant. The waste from the plant accumulates on the floor below and is cleaned with high pressure water. Oil cleaning is used on the floors and at the bagging plant. This service has created many new jobs for local people.

Today, 24 employees work in three shifts. The workers work 28 days and have 14 days off. B.Batbayar, shift supervisor of Uguumur Gaviluud LLC says “Our workforce consists of people of different backgrounds – herders, drivers, operators. In this mining company, safety is the most important priority. Therefore, we all were trained in Oyu Tolgoi safety regulations and work in a new environment and new profession. Specifically for this job everything must be done timely and safely. Every shift has a supervisor. I am a shift supervisor”.

In this manner, this company provides a completely new service in the soum.

Uguumur Gaviluud LLC was selected as the Local Supplier of the Month in August.


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