National company is successfully undertaking the batch plant 4 construction work for Oyu Tolgoi underground project

Established in 2011, “Premium Concrete” is a 100 per cent national, concrete batch production company specialized in whole cycle of ready- mix concrete supply, including aggregate quarry, stone crushing plant, sand manufacturing,concrete production, laboratory service, concrete transportation and pumping service. The company is also the first Mongolian company certified by ‘American National ready mixed concrete association’.

Premium Concrete is undertaking Batch plant 4 construction work, Batch plant 3 operations and Crushing plant projects at Oyu Tolgoi mine site with 580 employees at the moment. Construction of Batch Plant 4 for use of Underground project began in May of last year.

The Batch Plant #4 is a twin shaft plant, which is capable of producing 120 cubic metres concrete per hour. The south factory will be fully dedicated for the production of shotcrete which for underground development, whereas the north factory will produce structural concrete and other concrete mixes. Currently, additional facilities have also been constructed and they are critical for the full operation of the Batch Plant. These include: Storage Hangar for bagged cement and silica, the storage space has a heating as well as cooling system to ensure the optimal temperature for storing cement and silica for all year around. The facility is also equipped with a bag breaker specifically designed to eliminate human exposure to the particles associated with the cement and silica and of course minimise environmental impact. The plant also has a heated washing station which is capable of recycling up to 95 per cent of waste water from mixer and pump truck wash.
We’re proud that the design and construction of the Batch Plant is executed by Mongolian companies and the goods and materials are being supplied from national and local suppliers.


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