Oyu Tolgoi LLC today held its ‘Open Day’ event at Khanbogd on Thursday. The ‘Open Day’ events, organised on a regular basis, form an important part of the company’s ongoing efforts to engage with its partner communities at all levels, and provide them an opportunity to learn more about the business and operations of the mine.
The event was held at the newly opened Oyu Tolgoi Community Interaction Center (CIC) in Khanbogd, saw a strong turnout, led by Khanbogd Speaker Mr Nekhiit. Oyu Tolgoi employees provided visitors updates on various aspects of the business, including, operations, environment, procurement, human resources, training, community relations, and health, safety and security.
Mrs Baigalmaa Shurka, General Manager of Social performance said “We are, as a business, committed to being a good neighbor of the community, building on mutual respect, active partnerships and a long-term approach to sustainable growth. The ‘Open Day’ is a great opportunity for us to engage with all members of the community – young and old – and helps develop deeper mutual understanding and cooperation.”
In April 2015, Oyu Tolgoi signed a jointly administered Cooperation Agreement with Umnugovi aimag and Khanbogd, Manlai, Bayan-Ovoo and Dalanzadgad soums. The agreement focuses on broad-based economic development, social infrastructure, environmental protection and the promotion of cultural heritage.
Oyu Tolgoi continues to invest in sustainable long-term projects in the South Gobi. In the first five months of 2015, Oyu Tolgoi has spent approximately US$780,000 in the areas of health and safety, community infrastructure, pastureland management and herder well rehabilitation programmes.
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