– Local community herders have received this initiative with gratitude –
We interviewed L.Bayarbaatar, Officer Pastureland Management Programme for Oyu Tolgoi LLC, Regional Development and Social Performance Department.
Water is a precious treasure in the Gobi. How does Oyu Tolgoi cooperate with Gobi herders on the issue of wells and water?
Oyu Tolgoi is implementing a “Pastureland Management Programme” to help preserve and protect the precious pastures of the South Gobi and Khanbogd soum areas. The programme objectives are to:
- engrain sustainable pastureland management in the surrounding soums through organised herders’ groups;
- contribute to the improvement of herders’ livelihoods;
- classify, fence and protect the soum pastureland with due consideration of the ecological conditions and nomadic features of the area;
- plant fodder;
- improve the livestock breeding and the quality of available veterinary services; and
- upgrade existing wells and build more wells around the pasture area.
Gobi herders primarily use hand-dug water wells and many proposals exist for a joint programme to repair and restore wells and establish new watering points. In 2011-2012, within the framework of the “Pastureland Management Programme”, Oyu Tolgoi repaired and restored 38 hand-dug water wells and two water holes used by herders of Khanbogd soum. Local herders and community members have received this work with great gratitude.
Will the work continue this year? What work have you planned?
Water is very important in the Gobi. Our programme has been running for two years in Khanbogd soum. During this time, many herders from the neighbouring Manlai and Bayan-Ovoo soums have asked us to implement this programme in their soums as well. In 2013, in addition to Khanbogd, we plan to extend our work to Manlai and Bayan-Ovoo soums which are also in the impacted area. In order to improve water supply for herders, we will repair and restore over 20 hand-dug and deep wells in three soums this year. Oyu Tolgoi has supported the well repair work and in addition to the programme, has provided financing for measures related to the pastureland water supply.
How do you select wells for repair? Do you take requests from the herders?
The herders will make a request to the soum governor, then discussions will be held taking into consideration issues such as when the well was broken, the pastureland conditions and livestock from how many households will be served. Then a general agreement will be reached and a decision will be discussed and approved by the bagh (small local community) meeting. The list of wells approved by the bagh meeting will be aggregated by the soum Veterinary and Breeding Unit, approved by the soum governor and then sent to our programme.
How many wells and in which soums do you plan to do repairs this year?
This year, we have received requests to repair over 20 wells in Khanbogd, Manlai and Bayan-Ovoo soums. At some of these wells there has been no maintenence to fences for 50-60 years. When a fence is broken, the water levels drop and the water recovery process is diminished. At fully buried wells, in accordance with the technology process, we dig, fence and install a well screen, protection and casing. Before we start, we consult with the herders on how to best repair and improve the well. The herders themselves also take part in this work.
After the repair, do you transfer the wells to herders? Perhaps, since you have made an investment, some agreement or contract will be signed?
One feature of the “Pastureland Management Programme” is the engagement and involvement of the herders. The herders participate actively at every stage – from the selection of the wells to repair, to water certification. When the well repair is completed, the well is transferred to the herders. The herders sign a cooperation agreement and they are then responsible for all the future fencing, protection and handling activities.
At repaired deep wells, an expert organization determines water levels and issues a well passport. This year, Oyu Tolgoi plan to repair 6-8 deep wells in three soums. Drilling a well, installing a borehole, wellhead and motor – these tasks are quite expensive.
What results were accomplished in the well repair-work?
Gobi herders use hand-dug water wells and deep wells. Some deep wells become buried and the use of nearby pastureland becomes impossible. Providing a source of water enables the surrounding pastureland to be used. For herders, it is very difficult to spend many hours pulling well-buckets or waiting when water levels were too low. We have resolved these difficulties to a certain extent.
When will you begin the well repair work?
Repair work commences from the middle of next month. We selected the wells in April and May, and in June we conducted a study to collect the basic well data and determine their conditions and current state.
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