Interview: D.Lkhagvasuren “The Oyu Tolgoi Information center library now has bestseller books”

– The Oyu Tolgoi Information center has served over 6,000 people since opening in 2011 –

We interviewed Oyu Tolgoi Information Center officer, D.Lkhagvasuren, to find out the latest news from the center.

Tell us about the Oyu Tolgoi Information Center?
The Oyu Tolgoi Information centre provides accurate information about Oyu Tolgoi, the mining industry and process, and Mongolia’s mining sector. The Information centre features interactive installations demonstrating the different types of mining and our information officers are on hand to answer any questions you may have. We also have an extensive collection of books, journals and magazines.

What services do you offer to your visitors?
Most of our visitors are university students interested in professional books and journals. Our information center is located near universities, so it’s easy for students to come here. The students can read the latest books and magazines on the economy, mining and agriculture, in a comfortable environment. We also have a Wi-Fi network so our visitors can access the Internet. You can also borrow our books to take home for up to three days, if you meet the borrower requirements.

Tell us about the library
We have about 1,000 books in our collection including over 250 books on mining and economics, as well as our collection of bestsellers and fiction. If you would like to review the list of books in our collection please visit the Ulaanbaatar Information center page on the Oyu Tolgoi website.

How many people have visited the Information center? What are people are interested in?
We have received over 6,000 visitors since the centre opened in 2011. We do more than provide our visitors with detailed information about the Oyu Tolgoi project, the mining industry and process and Mongolia’s mining sector – we also provide information about Oyu Tolgoi university scholarships, careers and jobs and how to become an Oyu Tolgoi supplier.

How do you guarantee the information you provide to public is accurate and true?
We work closely with the relevant experts in Oyu Tolgoi departments, including Procurement; Training; Government relations; Community relations; Human Resources; Health, Safety and Environment; and Mining Operations. These departments coordinate with us to organise training courses, workshops and press conferences. Our staff regularly visits the Oyu Tolgoi mine site to stay up to date with the latest information and activities. Oyu Tolgoi is a very large project; we are always making progress and accomplishing new things.

How do we contact the information center?
Location – Ulaanbaatar
Odcon building, 1st Floor (west side of NUM building No.4, School of Economic Studies)
Baga Toiruu Street, 8th Khoroo
Sukhbaatar District
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

We are open from 9am to 6pm between Monday and Saturday.

Tel +976-11-353366

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