'Ikh goviin erchim khurd' LLC in Umnugovi aimag is a new company which was founded in 2012. The company has already become a successful supplier to Oyu Tolgoi.
'Ikh goviin erchim khurd' LLC in Umnugovi aimag is a new company which was founded in 2012. The company has already become a successful supplier to Oyu Tolgoi. Since 2013, they have supplied Oyu Tolgoi with plastic waste containers, construction materials, brushes, paint, foam, emulsions, screws and bolts and welding equipment.
By supplying these goods, the company has become a reliable and trusted partner and learned a great deal about packaging, documentation and transportation. The company has expanded its activities and created new jobs in the local communiy.
Director of 'Ikh goviin erchim khurd' LLC D.Battuvshin says: “Our company aims to expand the range of welding and construction materials, strengthen our supply reliability and increase sales of household items and food products for soum citizens.”
In order to become suppliers to mining companies local companies must study the market, collect detailed information about products and work closely with clients. 'Ikh goviin erchim khurd' LLC met these requirements and achieved success and were named Oyu Tolgoi’s Supplier of the Month in November, 2013.
Since 2011, in order to promote supplier companies, Oyu Tolgoi selects the best suppliers each month in three categories – small, medium and Umnugovi suppliers. This award is meant to support and encourage the competitiveness and reliability of suppliers based on the requirements for product or service delivery and their quality.
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