G.Natsagdorj: Our goal is to meet Oyu Tolgoi’s safety standards

HR director of the company G.Natsagdorj says: "Working with Oyu Tolgoi brings many results. One of them is safety. We strive to meet their international safety standards. We are constantly learning many things in this area. We organised a monthly campaign to introduce new safety knowledge at work.”

For Oyu Tolgoi, safety is the core value. Therefore, the company also requires the same safety standards from their contractors and suppliers. Suppliers are expected to introduce them in their own daily operations creating a new work culture in Mongolia.

One of these companies is NBIC LLC. HR director of the company G.Natsagdorj says: "Working with Oyu Tolgoi brings many results. One of them is safety. We strive to meet their international safety standards. We are constantly learning many things in this area. We organised a monthly campaign to introduce new safety knowledge at work.” The staff of NBIC announced that 2014 would be a “year of safety policy.” They believe that quality of mining construction and safety policy are linked. In other words, their policy is that quality buildings must be built safely.

Today they work with 300 employees focusing on mining construction and have already participated in big construction projects. They became Oyu Tolgoi suppliers in 2013 and in addition to supplying goods, they also engage in construction work. They worked on building the heavy machinery repair shop and safety training centre. Deputy Director of NBIC LLC Kh.Boldsukh describes their future goals: "We strive to move Mongolian construction standards one step forward towards reaching world standard and to participate in huge projects like Oyu Tolgoi, making our own contribution to the country's development."

Oyu Tolgoi LLC has a tradition of promoting the exceptional service of suppliers by issuing Supplier of the Month awards. NBIC LLC was selected as the best supplier for October.


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