Category: TSF FAQs
What type of tailings storage facility is used at Oyu Tolgoi?
Due to its location on flat terrain, the Oyu Tolgoi mine has employed a rectangular surface Tailings Storage Facility (TSF), which is deemed the most suitable method for such geographical features. This facility is designed with a downstream embankment method, aimed at mitigating the risk of structural failure with its thick base and expanding walls.…
How are dams of TSF constructed?
There are three types of tailings dam commonly used: Upstream method: Upstream tailings dams are built progressively “upstream” of the starter dam by incorporating tailings materials into the dam for support, it requires less land and is economically less costly. However, it has the highest risk of structure failure. Downstream method: This method involves extending…
What are the different types of tailings storage facilities?
There are various types of tailings storage facilities, including ponds formed by dams, and pre-existing ponds, and stored in closed open pit or underground mines. Internationally, building dams are often used as storage methods. For example, building a dam for tailings storage in a mountainous area using the natural settings of valley fills method is…