Category: Supplier Highlight

  • B.Bayarmaa: “We plan to consult our clients”

    Macrolink LLC General Director B. Bayarmaa said: “We have been working with Oyu Tolgoi since 2012. We demonstrated our products and services to them and they became interested." The company supplies Oyu Tolgoi with a range of server and networking services and products. These include D-link, TP-link, Toten and Airlink products. Airlink is designed to…

  • Evolving from small household enterprise to the best supplier

    B.Khuyag, director of Anir Khur LLC, said: “Supplying products and services to Oyu Tolgoi LLC helped us expand product variety and increase sales." The company plans to create new jobs, increase staffing with 6 to 8 more employees and expand the business. – One of success stories is Anir Khur company – B.Khuyag, a resident…

  • Credibility and Tridum LLC

    "Close interaction with the company which implements international standards has a versatile positive impact on our growth.” said L.Nomuun, Manager Foreign Trade of Tridum Company. Tridum LLC was established in 2005 and offers since then basic consulting services and trainings to banking and financial sector, government organisations and private enterprises on comprehensive solution of integrated…

  • Orem Trade, a company committed to quality

    “Oyu Tolgoi LLC requires all goods to meet quality standards” said, B.Enkhbaatar, Marketing Manager at Orem Trade LLC. Orem Trade LLC was established as a mining supplier, branching off from foreign trade and service provider Orem LLC. Now employing 15 staff, Orem Trade has more than tripled the size of its original workforce. – The company…

  • Today, tomorrow, two days later…

    “One employee had hardly believed how fast he/she was hired” said G.Solongo proudly, CAML Operating Manager. CAML LLC was selected as a Best contractor of Oyu Tolgoi LLC in March 2011, and then once again it has been nominated the same title. “Our mission is to strengthen human resource capacity of our partner organisations leveraging…

  • Govi Khangain Anduud set for continuous development

    B.Otgontsetseg, since she had obtained sewing skill, has continuously been working as a seamstress for 24 years on end. She, along with her two friends, got off to a good start in 2005 opening own tailor and clothes repair shop. Aside from supplying a variety of labour safety uniforms ordered by Oyu Tolgoi LLC they…

  • Generating new jobs locally

    Recently Zag Company has built and handed over an extension and dormitory of Polytechnic College, a Darkhan-Uul aimag-based subsidiary of University of Science and Technology with the Oyu Tolgoi LLC funding. Although Zag LLC is a contractor of the construction works, it had been developed and strengthened extensively as result of collaboration with the large-scale…

  • Suppliers who are developing together

    “The entire Mongolian nation benefits from the Oyu Tolgoi project. By supplying all the requisites needed for the construction project, we are making own contribution to that development” shared Ya.Battugs, MMMS LLC Finance Director. Mongolian Mining Machinery Supplies company has been operating for the fourth year. The company has grown into an official dealer of…

  • Converting into a fast-moving business

    “QFS keeps moving forward to become a leading company offering world-class services in Mongolia” Gereltsetseg.J, Executive Director said. When it started  a partnership with Oyu Tolgoi company, they only provided  services for Naadam festival, now they  has been diversified into food, laundry, cleaning and repair service providing business in the south camp and in the…

  • Dalanzadgai Bulag as a model of local producer’s development

    Bold.T, director of Dalanzadgai Bulag LLC, said “We have created new jobs, and improved our financial capacity”. The company was established in 2006 by launching a carpentry business. Since then, being consistent in expanding the business, they had branched off into a timber trade and production, food trade and transport. Rural regions are experiencing a…