B.Naranbaatar: cooperation with Oyu Tolgoi created 40 jobs

Khanbogd Khurd was established in Khanbogd soum in 2012 with 8 employees and began to provide transportation services, as well as engaging in trade. The next year, in 2013, the company began to work with Oyu Tolgoi LLC and began to transport mine workers by bus.

– Khanbogd Khurd LLC is committed to safety –

This time we are introducing Khanbogd Khurd LLC, one of the local suppliers of Oyu Tolgoi. This company was established in Khanbogd soum in 2012 with 8 employees and began to provide transportation services, as well as engaging in trade. The next year, in 2013, the company began to work with Oyu Tolgoi LLC and began to transport mine workers by bus. It also began to provide bus rental service to CIS, another contractor of Oyu Tolgoi. Currently, the company employs 40 staff.

Khanbogd Khurd LLC, carefully plans its work and keeps 2 buses in reserve in order to provide reliable services to the mining company. In addition, the company employs professionals such as traffic controllers, motor vehicles engineers, electricians, human resources officers, accountants and enrols all employees in safety and other relevant training.

B.Naranbaatar, director of the company said, “by cooperating with Oyu Tolgoi, our company created 30 permanent jobs for residents of Khanbogd soum and 10 permanent jobs for residents of other aimags and soums. In addition, we are using buses and vehicles of 4-5 businesses and individuals and thus supporting their businesses.”

He added, “We are committed to safety. We are planning to send 2 employees to a 45-day safety training as part of our emphasis on individual development and training of employees. We are also helping local the kindergarten which brings up children-the future of this soum, through our social investment aimed to improve conditions in the kindergarten.”

Today, Khanbogd Khurd has become a large business which contributes to local development and expands its operations and it is ranked in the top five in the soum in terms of tax payments.


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